Some days are beautiful. Annnnd some days smell like hot garbage. Fortunately, today was the former. It was merciful, because yesterday- was most certainly the latter variety. It reeked of overwhelming emotions, difficult conversations, and unpalatable thoughts. Today, however, was lovely. Work flowed smoothly; a delicious balance of affectionate babies, and entertaining banter with coworkers. I also got the pleasure of having lunch with my mom. There is something so warm and quaint about having your mother pick you up from work and take you to lunch- it's even better as an adult than it was as a kid. Hearing my boss compliment my work ethic to the very person responsible for teaching me how to work- was a glowing moment for me. It's also that surreal sensation that comes when worlds collide. In the past, I have successfully (or not so successfully), kept my life severely compartmentalized. It was a familiar way to live for me. But, I have learned, that in order for others to REALLY know you- they must know all shades; the good, the bad, and the ugly humanity. Hence, the lines of my life are blurring more and more by the day. Which is good, but it's new, and slightly jarring. And though it may cause some momentary anxiety (mostly the loss of control and perceived organization), it does make me feel much less alone in my skin. Anyway, seeing my mother at my workplace was strange and fun. She got to meet all the little one's I chatter endlessly about.
After work, I decided to revel in the fabulous weather Michigan decided to bestow upon it's residents (she is a fickle lady; one prone to ridiculous mood swings). I grabbed one of the books I'm working through and headed to the nearest Starbucks (p.s. - the salted caramel mochas are every bit as insane as one would hope). At a flimsy, cafe table- I floated happily in the pink light of the setting sun. I found myself thinking about my last beautiful day. It was Saturday, a very sunny Saturday...
My friend J had an extra ticket to the University of Michigan vs. Eastern game, and I was open to giving spectator sports another shot. My father has tried, on many occasions, to teach me the game of football. He is an avid/ obsessive sports fan (especially for the champions of the west *cough* GO BLUE). Sadly, I always grew frustrated with my lack of understanding, and his lack of patience. Therefore, I was attending the game quite blindly. I love learning new things, and I'm stubborn. I'll beat my head against that table if that's the only way to understand its molecular structure. So it goes.
Between my boyfriend M, and my pal J, I was outfitted for success. M provided me with the proper attire-a tee shirt emblazoned with the home team logo (*cough* GO BLUE). J accessorized my ensemble with a delightful face-sticker in the shape of the infamous, Michigan M. I was like a kindergartner whose parents wanted me to have a damn fine first day of school. I felt very loved, if not slightly pitiful.
We parked a decent distance from the stadium, which was perfect. The weather was picturesque. The clouds looked computer generated in their perfection. Upon entering the big house, I just stood and gaped. Its size was astounding. Places like that never seem as giant from the outside as they do within. After picking my jaw off the floor, the game passed in a fun flurry of fight songs and camaraderie- the student section is the place to sit for the restless and rowdy! I loved it. J is such a wonderfully gentle teacher and guide- I actually was able to absorb. I learned the very basics at least. Which is an accomplishment after 23 years of scratching my head. And I must say, I nailed the Victor's Valiant.
After the game we decided to take a walking tour of Ann Arbor- literally. We walked from the stadium to the downtown area. We soaked in the eclectic platter that is State street. We meandered the shady sidewalks of the diag. We got our grub on at BTB Cantina. Each setting flashed by amidst the music of the city and, the comfort of lively conversation. We ended our evening at the Oktoberfest that had overtaken Main Street. After several rounds of delightful brew and polka dancing, I felt thoroughly stimulated. Practically percolating with the joy of being.
Sadly, the day after, I found myself sunburned (in addition to being whimsically, branded thanks to my face-sticker) and exhausted. The day after THAT, was one helluva a hot, garbage day. My face was peeling, and nothing seemed to be working in my favor. But today, I sat comfortably with the realization that ya win some, and ya lose some. Some days buzz your bones in the best way. While others, are spent picking at the burnt remains of your face. So it goes.
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